Saturday, June 28, 2008

Another Day in Paradise

It's another day in paradise on St. Simons Island. We made it back from Atlanta in one piece. We had a great time being city folks for the weekend, but it was great to come back home to the tranquility of the island.

In Atlanta we did some great things. We went to Fernbank Natural History Musuem where we saw some great exhibits including one on penquins and polar bears. We also saw a great IMAX movie about the colorado river and the grand canyon. I do not wish to take a kayak through those rivers. It was amazing and so overwhleming-even in a movie.

Next we went to everybody's favorite hamburger joint: The Varsity. I used to go there as a kid after GA Tech games, so it is great to have my kids enjoy a naked dog and a FO(frosted orange. After walking around Piedmont Park (and the Botanical Gardens where we got married) we settled in for a hilarious movie, Get Smart. It was great. On Sunday we went to see a really cute puppet show at the Atlanta Center for Puppetry Arts. It was really cute. The kids loved it.

We are picking up here at Accents. The summer tourists are finally arriving. Finally....I can't wait to buy some new merchandise for the store and the website at the July Market in Atlanta. If you have ever been to a gift market you know how amazing and overwhelming it can be. You have to be very organized with a plan of attack. I usually pore over my market books and magazines to see what new things I want to look for. I try to find 1 really cool new signature item every market. In the past it has been french soap, battery operated candles and a really cute christmas book "Elf on the Shelf".

The roundabout is turning into a huge nightmare....keep you posted.

Until next time,
Karen Hendrix

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